The importance of Measurements and Indices in Cyto- and Histopathology of Tissues from Companion and Farmed Animals


Quagliardi Martina Quagliardi

Martina Quagliardi

University of Camerino

Galosi Livio Galosi

Livio Galosi

University of Camerino

Gavazza Alessandra Gavazza

Alessandra Gavazza

University of Camerino

Rossi Giacomo Rossi

Giacomo Rossi

University of Camerino


The welfare of companion and farm animals can also be appropriately assessed by evaluating the metabolic state, the degree of nutrient absorption, the normal development of the glands of the endocrine system, the normal erythropoiesis of the bone-marrow and the correct morphology of the red or white blood cells in smears. Furthermore, the evaluation of the number of somatic cells in milk, rather than their morphology, or the evaluation of the morphological criteria of malignancy, and the mitotic indices of neoplasms, is fundamental in attempt to reach a prognosis to allow the animals to survive in conditions of good quality of life. This session aims to illustrate all the versatile applications of morphological analytical methods, both cyto- and histological, and how these biological measurements are the basis of scores, indices, classification criteria that aim to create algorithms that can be used to evaluate different aspects ranging from the metabolism, to the septicity of an inflammatory process, to the differentiation and growth fraction of a neoplasm. In this session, the authors exemplify in a practical and very clear way, also reporting the analytical part of studies very different in type and purpose, how in daily clinical practice, cytological and histological samples and their indices are used as diagnostic tools to monitor the progress of specific diseases. New easy-to-use and free software have been implemented, trying to quantify, measure and compare physio-pathological structures and processes. Case studies that include large farm animals, poultry and fish species will be considered, emphasizing how the histological examination of tissues, especially intestine and liver, can be a target to evaluate whether the management, health and nutrition of animals are appropriate or can be ameliorated. Furthermore, cytological and blood smear examination and other clinical-pathological procedures show how these diagnostic tools can be useful in the treatment of sick companion animals. This session aims to connect veterinary clinical pathology and pathology with animal sciences, to improve and share new laboratory tools available to assess welfare in companion and farm animals.


Martina Quagliardi is a Doctor in Veterinary Medicine (DVM), graduated with honors in year 2022 at the University of Camerino, Italy, with an experimental thesis in transfusion medicine in dogs and then working two months as an Erasmus trainee in Hospital Veterinario Sur, Granada, Spain. Now she is a 3rd year PhD fellow at the same university with a project in innovative feeds in salmonids aquaculture linked to a Horizon 2020-PRIMA project. During the last year Martina spent 4 months at the Veterinary School of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Ås, Norway, at the department of paraclinical science, unit Nutrition and Health, working with gut health and gene expression in farmed Atlantic cod. In year 2024 she attended a one-year master course at University of Bologna in Aquaculture and Ichtyopathology. She is member of AIMVET (Italian Association of Veterinary Transfusion Medicine), European Aquaculture Society and the CA22163-EELSUPPORT “Solving bottlenecks in eel reproduction to support sustainable aquaculture” COST programme.

Livio Galosi received his degree in Veterinary Medicine from the School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Camerino in 2017 and his doctorate in Life and Health Sciences in 2021, in the same University. Currently, he is a Research Fellow in Zooculture and the Designated Veterinary of the Animal Laboratory Facility of the University of Camerino. His main areas of research are animal welfare and poultry and aquatic organisms farming.

Alessandra Gavazza is an Associate Professor at the School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, University of Camerino. She graduated in 1992 and completed her PhD in 'Veterinary Environmental Pathology' in 1999. Since 2005, she has been a Diplomate of the College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) and, since 2011, has been a member of the Examination Committee. Currently, she serves as Vice President of AIMVET (Italian Association of Veterinary Transfusion Medicine). Alessandra conducts clinical activities at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Camerino, where she is the head of the Medical Oncology Service and the Laboratory of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. She is the author of over 200 publications in national and international journals. Her main areas of study are clinical pathology, particularly hematology, onco-hematology, and transfusion medicine.

Prof. Giacomo Rossi, full Professor of General Pathology, Physiopathology and Immunopathology at the School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, University of Camerino. DVM in 1992, MS in 1993, Phd in 1997. Since 2012, Diplomate at the College of Zoological Medicine (ECZM). Starting from 2008 to 2014 he was President of the scientific Committee of AIVPA (Italian Association of Veterinarian for Small Animals), and from 2010 to 2017, he has served as President of AIVPA. The most significant contributions of G.Rossi research are in the area of immunopathology of animals, with particular regard to the role of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal microbiota in the development and modulation of the immune response and oral tolerance. Prof. Rossi has filed some licenses concerning new probiotic, and developed new pathogenic theories for some immune-mediated diseases of animals. He has guided 55 DVM student to the final thesis, and 11 Ph.D students. Author of 418 research articles in peer reviewed international and national reputed journals. He has handled 9 international and national research projects. Prof. Rossi participated in the creation of books / proceedings, book chapters, and some extension / popular articles. He is member of some Italians and International Scientific Societies. Actually, Director of the histopathological and necropsy Service of UNICAM, and Director of the Degree Course in Veterinary Nurse.

